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If you need to pray for yourself, your relatives and friends, you have the opportunity to order a commemoration of health and / or repose for a long time, and also order a memorial funeral candle for a long time. The cost for 1 year is $90, for 6 months - $50, for 1 month - $10. For each service (regardless of whether you are in church or not), your funeral memorial candle will be placed on the requiem table, and during proskomediya and liturgy, the priest will commemorate your loved ones, the living and departed, with taking out a piece of prosphora for each name.
The cost of the prayer
- 1 Divine Liturgy - $2
- 1 month - $10
- 6 months - $50
- 1 full year - $90
Payment Methods
If it is convenient for you to transfer money via PayPal via the Internet, you first need to fill in the "Prayers Request" form below (read spelling rules in memorial notes below) on your computer, or print it here and send it to us. Be sure to include your email address. We will send you a Thank You letter that will allow you to deduct your donation from taxes. At the end of the form be sure to click the "Submit" button. Then proceed with the payment by following this PayPal link:

If you do not have a PayPal account, follow the same link (via the PayPal logo).
You can pay with your credit cards.
If you are not registered with PayPal, you can open your account at PayPal (it is free) by following this link:
(Full registration with the connection of your bank account and transferring the initial amount to your paypal account can take 10-12 days. This is a fee for security. But after that you will not have any problems with any payments and purchases through Internet.)
Send checks and Money Orders to the following address:
1020 Pyramid Way, Sparks, NV 89431
In this case, you can print out a Prayer Note here , fill it in with a clear handwriting and put it in an envelope together with your check or the international Money Order (see spelling rules in the prayers requests below).

- Surnames are not used, only first names.
- Only the full form of the first name is used, including children and babies (not Ed, but Edward).
- It is advisable to use the church spelling of secular names (not Polina, but Apollinaria; not Egor, but George, etc.).
- Before the names of the clergy, their dignity is indicated, either fully or in a clear abbreviation (for example, Priest Peter, Archbishop Nikon).
- A child up to 3 years old is called a baby, from 3 to 15 years old - a boy (girl). li>
- The inclusion of the words "warrior", "monk", "nuns", "sick", "traveling", "prisoner".
- On the contrary, you don’t need to write "a lost one", "a sufferer", "embittered", "student", "grieving", "girls", "widows", "pregnant".
- In the requiem notes, mark "newly reposed" (deceased for 40 days after his death), "memorable" (deceased having memorable dates on that day), "murdered".
- For those whom the Church has glorified in the face of saints (for example, Blessed Xenia), you no longer need to pray.
- Church commemoration is made only for the Orthodox. Memorial services for suicides, as well as for those not baptized in the Orthodox faith, are not performed.
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