Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Ro.1:7)

Orthodoxy News

Anna Alexandrovna Taneyeva (Vyrubova)—Nun Maria (1884-1964)
26.07.2024 00:21
Maria Tobolova

Nun Maria spent almost half of her life—forty-four years—in seclusion and ended her days in the service of God in the angelic—that is, monastic rank.

Holy Martyrs Theodore the Varangian and His Son John
24.07.2024 23:33
Almost simultaneously, pagans rose up against Christ and the Church in Denmark, Germany, and the Baltic Slavic principalities. Everywhere the unrest was accompanied by the destruction of churches, and the killing of clergy and other Christians.

Our Wounds Are Our Strength
24.07.2024 22:04
Fr. Charalampos Papadopoulos

Unforeseen situations are contrary to God’s will and our desires, and that’s why they seem unforeseen to us. But in fact, they’re not unforeseen.

The Greatest Gift of God
23.07.2024 21:49
Archpriest Andrew Lemeshonok

Love is the greatest gift of God that man can receive in this temporary world.

Princess Olga: The Root of Russian Orthodoxy
23.07.2024 21:46
Stanislav Minakov

When she returned to Kiev, Olga brought with her icons, liturgical books, and the determination to convert the Russian people to Christianity.

VIDEO: St. Tikhon’s Monastery: A Joyful Noise
23.07.2024 02:48
Orthodox musicians and artists have the opportunity to come to the monastery to live and study music and iconography taught by professional musicians and esteemed iconographers.

St. Anthony of the Caves and Ancient Russian Athos
23.07.2024 00:21
On the Athonite Roots of Russian Monasticism
Sergei Shmel

This ascetic holds a special place among ancient Russian saints and is traditionally revered as the “chief of all Russian monks” because the monastery he founded on the hills of Kiev served as a center and school of ancient Russian monasticism and enlightenment for all of Rus’, for many centuries.

Just Love God!
22.07.2024 21:33
Priest Sergei Chernyak

Indeed, this is our goal—to understand what God wants from us, where to go, how to lead our lives, how to think about God, how to change ourselves.

Are You Free?
21.07.2024 23:34
Fr. James Guirguis

St. Apostle Paul takes an earthly reality and he uses it to bring to light an even greater spiritual reality. He uses this language of freedom and slavery with a completely different purpose.

Holy Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna Romanova (1895–1918)
21.07.2024 23:26
Maria Tobolova

All those whose destinies crossed the paths in life of the Royal Family unanimously testified to the moral purity of the eldest Princess, her kindness, modesty, sensitivity, and sense of justice.

Randomly selected question to the priest (all questions)

Question №8

С какого возраста детям можно участвовать в Таинстве покаяния? И как подготовить ребенка к первой исповеди?


04.07.2010 г.

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Should an Orthodox Christian be afraid of the coming of the Antichrist?

The biblical story about the Antichrist is a metaphor. The real Antichrist will never come.
The Antichrist will come, but not soon. You don't have to be afraid un till then.
The Antichrist is coming soon. We need to get ready.
The Antichrist has already come.
You need to be afraid to sin.

Beginning of the survey 08/22/2022
Results of the survey 09/01/2023.
Results >>

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